Every year, we identify boys and girls at the ages of 9 years to 13 years, who have shown improvement in their personal development at home, school and on a community level. We host separate camps for these boys and girls, as we believe that boys and girls have different needs and our aim is to address these needs specifically.
Boy’s Camp:
The theme for our boys’ camp is ‘Survivor’ and is based on this popular TV series. This camp is run exclusively by male volunteers, but more specifically older ‘father figures’ who are passionate about being a good role model for the boys. Over the course of the weekend, they spend quality time with the children, in both a fun and informative learning environment.
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Girl’s Camp:
The theme for our girls’ camp is ‘I am a Princess’. This camp is led by Madge Blignaut, the Project Manager of Project Hope. Madge has the vision to see our young girls reach their full potential, and together with a group of volunteers, she works to empower and uplift them. Unfortunately, our girls grow up in poverty-stricken areas and are raised in broken homes where they lack positive affirmation. Madge and our volunteers spend quality time with them, where they teach the girls to love and value themselves.
In 2014 we decided to change the theme of the camp to ‘Fight like a Girl’ due to the rise in gang violence incidents. Many of our children have been exposed to gang violence and have since become fearful. We wanted to empower them and help them deal with these circumstances, so we invited MME martial arts experts from a club called ‘Fight like a Girl’ in Port Elizabeth. These experts taught the girls valuable self-defence classes, which empowered them and boosted their self-confidence.
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We believe that our camps are one of the vehicles through which we are able to fulfil the mission of Project Hope: train up children to positively influence their families and bring change to their communities.